قناة جنوب المتوسط

مارس 22, 2025

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Understanding IoT Platforms: The Basics

If you are not familiar with the IoT space, it’s a good idea to get a third-party perspective from industry analysts like Gartner or IoT Analytics. The IoT device platforms you’ll encounter at this stage, usually come directly from chip manufacturers such as Intel, ARM, Nordic, and Xilinx. Selecting the right IoT device platform depends on where you are in the IoT product adoption curve. Since this post is about IoT platforms, I’ll focus on the Technology Decision Area of my IoT Decision Framework. IoT platforms help you with feasibility by accelerating and reducing risk in your development process.

Data workflows spanning different departments can be built on a user-friendly interface, so there’s no need for in-house developer talent. What’s more, once your services are in customers’ hands, an IoT platform can provide detailed insights into user behavior, enabling more targeted marketing and product development. Ayla Networks headquartered in Milpitas offers what they describe as an agile IoT Platform that enables manufacturers to quickly and securely bring connected iot platform vendors products to market, focusing on device management and virtualization. In one example, home automation devices sold with the promise of a “Lifetime Subscription” were rendered useless after Nest Labs acquired Revolv and made the decision to shut down the central servers the Revolv devices had used to operate. For improved user interaction, some technology leaders are joining forces to create standards for communication between devices to solve this problem.

What is IoT Platforms?

Yet, research has indicated that manufacturing experts are concerned about “data security for protecting machine technology from international competitors with the ever-greater push for interconnectivity”. A challenge for producers of IoT applications is to clean, process and interpret the vast amount of data which is gathered by the sensors. There is a solution proposed for the analytics of the information referred to as Wireless Sensor Networks. These networks share data among sensor nodes that are sent to a distributed system for the analytics of the sensory data. The IoT’s amorphous computing nature is also a problem for security, since patches to bugs found in the core operating system often do not reach users of older and lower-price devices.

types of iot platforms

Published in the RFID Journal in 2009, Ashton argues that computers – and therefore, the internet – are heavily dependent on humans for data. “Our economy, society and survival aren’t based on ideas or information—they’re based on things”. The categories which MachNation uses for its test and rankings are divided into several subcategories where performance is gauged. As explained in an article on the role of IoT platforms, in the strict sense an IoT platform is an IoT Application Enablement Platform or AEP.

Data Engineering and AI

As Oracle is popular for its database handling services, it wires to produce a large amount of data. Due to the adaptable feature that develops business apps, several businesses opt for oracle. In addition, it offers exclusive digital individualities to devices that are connected. According to Google, the Cloud Platform is the top part for encouraging IoT technology. Moreover, with the utmost security system, Google Cloud offers complete functioning effectively. Standing as one of the top Internet of Things Platforms, it offers various fascinating features.

types of iot platforms

RabbitMQ, a message broker, is enterprise-level message-queuing software. It’s equipped with multiple features for reliable delivery, routing, and federation to cater to extensible business requirements beyond the throughput. Organizations leveraging MuleSoft solutions, when scaling MuleSoft Runtime Fabric , deal with several high-level yet conflicting https://globalcloudteam.com/ customer requirements. Forward-looking companies are increasingly investing in IoT app development to innovate on the fly and stay ahead of the competition. Be it the selection of IoT platforms or IoT protocols, it is important to know that the choice must be made after understanding and analyzing the requirements and nature of your business.

Intentional obsolescence of devices

Siemens MindSphere is actually built on SAP Cloud Platform, and Oden Technologies, an industrial automation company, uses Google Cloud. Today, nearly all applications can benefit from data and can be made “smart” thanks to IoT. All of these applications are different from one another and focus on different aspects of the data. Since there are multiple (more than 400!) IoT platforms available in the market with different permutations and combinations of features, selecting the right platform is very important for IoT developers. AEP vendors have a technology-centric offering with the goal to deliver a best-of-breed, industry-agnostic, extensive middleware core for building a set of interconnected or independent IoT solutions for customers, MachNation says.

types of iot platforms

The objects themselves do not converse, but they may now be referred to by other agents, such as powerful centralised servers acting for their human owners. Integration with the Internet implies that devices will use an IP address as a distinct identifier. To a large extent, the future of the Internet of things will not be possible without the support of IPv6; and consequently, the global adoption of IPv6 in the coming years will be critical for the successful development of the IoT in the future. The Internet of Battlefield Things is a project initiated and executed by the U.S.

A few words on IoT application enablement platforms

Servers, storage and professional services all saw decreases in the U.S. government’s latest inflation update. Many businesses are combining them in creative ways to maximize their opportunities and diversify their revenue streams. You can be an IoT vendor, provider or partner, generating new revenues as you deliver more value to your customers.

The real benefit from an IoT application will be achieved when we are able to make sense out of the data collected. A robust analytics engine takes care of the processing of data volumes and uses advanced AI & ML models. The analytics platform will cater to required storage capacities for the massive data volume involving both structured and unstructured data.

Open Source IoT Device Management Platforms

Bandwidth and Latency are two factors to keep in mind when selecting an IoT device cloud platform. You must ensure the platform of choice has the required infrastructure to achieve the scale you envisage for your project. The first thing to consider when selecting a platform is the kind of services they offer.

  • They provide the hardware , the connectivity, device cloud, security, and every other thing needed to connect devices to the internet.
  • Industrial Asset Vision utilizes sensors to monitor your assets continuously and deliver data for better decision-making.
  • Both of these can be hosted in the cloud infrastructure to capitalize on massive data processing and scalability at reduced costs.
  • Cisco’s IoT platform includes many different features to maximize your company’s ability to manage and monitor all your devices effectively while ensuring your devices are secured against online attacks.
  • I’m curious why you left the SAP’s Leonardo platform out of your list of top platforms – it ticks all the boxes you mention .

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